We’ve all heard, countless times, that your business’ brand is your boat to success, yet we still ask ourselves, “How do I develop a strong brand?”, “How can I build that perfect boat for long term business success?”
Well, surprise-surprise, very few people have gotten a solid and implementable answer to this question. In Uganda, 99% of businesses think the brand is about the logos and the sites and the platforms, but no. It all stems down to how you relate with your audience, your employees, and anyone who comes into contact with you and your brand.
When we think of creating lasting success, It’s about how many people you can reach with the story behind your services and products ensuring they fully comprehend what you are about.
For sure, there’s hundreds of ways to do this but perhaps one of the most important ways is by relating in person. Yes, no more hiding behind statements, offers, and online zoom calls that everyone skips, you need to invest in hosting in-real-life corporate events. Keep reading, I’m about to tell you why.
Corporate events push business success
1. Increasing Brand Awareness
Showcasing your brand is no easy task at first. People stress about it day and night. Lucky for those who’ve already started, they can be assured that it gets easier as the brand gets heavier. But what if you haven’t put much into it yet?
Hosting a corporate event in Uganda such as a conference or seminar is one of the best ways to put weight behind your brand. Event’s like masterminds, product launches, and book launches create excitement in the audience, getting them to obsess about you if done right.
This spike in excitement opens up doors to more potential customers and clients, after all, here in Uganda, word travels fast. When you get that book launch right, who knows how many people the young lady at the back will share it with. Her parents, her friends, her coworkers, maybe even her dog may be found looking for that new book.
2. Strengthening Team Relationships
It really is true when they say that “Talent wins games, teamwork wins championships”. A weak team in business completely derails the entire journey to success. Here’s where corporate events come into play.
Corporate events provide opportunities for the team to celebrate, share, and openly represent the business brand as a whole. Every team member feels a sense of pride in the business at the event, leading them to appreciate each other as a whole and increasing their ability to correlate towards building the great boat of a brand. Sailing you seamlessly to success.
3. opening Up Network Opportunities
Now I know this may seem unimportant, but there’s people who have met their husbands and wives at corporate events. I’m not saying you should host an in-real-life speed dating app, but hosting corporate events open up the business to new ideas and experiences.
You as a CEO or HR may be struggling to grasp how to tackle a certain situation in the business, the young man sitting right next to you at that conference may know exactly how. It’s important that we allow the ideas of others to seep into the business to inspire and boost innovation.
Not only that, but as mentioned before, a brand is about how many people know you and what their perception is. Corporate events are extremely effective in growing the network of people who know and support your business. Essentially, these networking opportunities supply you with the materials to build that raft into a fishing boat, then a yacht, then a ship.
Ready To Start Building Your Ship?
So, now you know how your success as a business can be linked to how often you host corporate events. It’s time that you put your brand out there to get people talking-and dogs barking, about it.
Sure, it’s costly, it takes time and planning, and can be hard to organize. Don’t worry, that’s where Tellit Events comes in to take the weight of your shoulders and repurpose it into the perfect seminar, conference, product launch, or whatever other corporate event that you may have in mind.
If that sounds like something you’re ready for, go on and find out more below. I’ll see you on the other side!